Journal Articles (37)
- 1. Rosni Sayed, Abdul Khaleque, Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Md Anowar Kabir, Rifat Ahmmed Aoni; "Dual step-index ring core antiresonant fiber for broadband transmission of numerous OAM modes with high purity and quality", Optical Material Express, 15(3), 379-394, 2025, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2025
- 2. Ruhana Nishad, Lutfun Nahar Asha, Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, A. B. M. Arafat Hossain, and Abdul Khaleque; "Multi-layered cladding based ultra-low loss, single mode antiresonant hollow core fibers", Optical Material Express, 14(1), 178-193, 2024, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2024
- 3. A B M Arafat Hossain, Abdul Khaleque; "Multi-functional and actively tunable terahertz metamaterial absorber based on graphene and vanadium dioxide composite structure", Optics Continuum, 3(6), 921-934, 2024, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2024
- 4. Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Abdul Khaleque, Md Tarek Rahman; "Single layer dual hollow core antiresonant fiber based polarization beam splitters", Optics Communications, 130735, 2024, (Elsevier), 2024
- 5. A B M Arafat Hossain, Abdul Khaleque, and M. Hasibul Galib; "Eco-friendly MASnI3/CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3 based perovskite solar cell with interfacing layers for enhancing efficiency", Solar Energy, Volume 278 , August 2024, 112763 (Elsevier), 2024
- 6. Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha and Abdul Khaleque,; "Hollow Core Antiresonant Fiber Based Polarizer and Refractive Index Sensor", IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 42(2), 907-913, 2024, IEEE, 2024
- 7. Md. Hasanur Rahman, Abdul Khaleque, Md. Sarwar Hosen, Kumary Shaha, Md Mizan, and Md. Tarek Rahman; "Dual-Function Plasmonic Device on Photonic Crystal Fiber for Near to Mid-infrared Regions", Optical Material Express, 13(9), 2526-2540, 2023, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2023
- 8. Md Mizan, Abdul Khaleque, Md. Sarwar Hosen, Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Md. Hasanur Rahman, and A B M Arafat Hossain; "Compact and tunable broadband polarization splitter based on nematic liquid crystal infiltrated dual-core photonic crystal fiber", Optics Continuum, 2(2), 506-519, 2023, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2023
- 9. A B M Arafat Hossain, Abdul Khaleque, Md. Sarwar Hosen, N. M. Shahriar, and Md Mizan; "Triple broadband polarization-insensitive tunable terahertz metamaterial absorber on a hybrid graphene-gold pattern", Optics Continuum, 2(6), 1287-1300, 2023, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2023
- 10. Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Abdul Khaleque, Md Tarek Rahman, and Md. Sarwar Hosen; "Broadband and Short-length Polarization Splitter on Dual Hollow-core Antiresonant Fiber", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 34(5), 259-262, 2022 (IEEE), 2022
- 11. M. S. Hosen, Abdul Khaleque, Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Lutfun Nahar Asa, Azra Sadia Sultana, R. Nishad, and Md. Tarek Rahman; "Highly birefringent polarization maintaining low-loss single-mode hollow-core antiresonant fiber", Optics Continuum, 1(10), 2167-2184, 2022, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2022
- 12. Azra Sadia Sultana, Abdul Khaleque, Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Mafin Muntasir Rahman, Md Sarwar Hosen; "Nodeless antiresonant hollow core fiber for low loss flatband THz guidance", Optics Continuum, 1(8), 1652-1667, 2022, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2022
- 13. Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, and Abdul Khaleque; "Low-loss single-mode modified conjoined tube hollow-core fiber", Applied Optics 60(21), pp. 6243-6250, 2021(Optical Society of America ,OSA), 2021
- 14. Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Abdul Khaleque, and Md Sarwar Hosen; "Wideband Low Loss Hollow Core Fiber with Nested Hybrid Cladding Elements", IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39(20), 6585-6591, 2021 (IEEE), 2021
- 15. Fazley Rabbi, Md Tarek Rahman, Abdul Khaleque, and Md Mobassar Rahman; "Theoretical analysis of Sagnac Interferometer based highly sensitive temperature sensor on photonic crystal fiber", Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 31 (2021): 100396. (Elsevier), 2021
- 16. Md. Mobassar Rahman, Abdul Khaleque, Md. Tarek Rahman, and Fazley Rabbi; "Gold-coated photonic crystal fiber based polarization filter for dual communication windows", Optics Communications, 461, 125293, 2020 (Elsevier), 2020
- 17. Anika Rahman, Abdul Khaleque, Md. Yeakub Ali, and Md. Tarek Rahman; "THz spectroscopic sensing of liquid chemicals using a photonic crystal fiber", OSA Continuum 3(11), 2982-2996, 2020 (Optical Society of America, OSA), 2020
- 18. Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Abdul Khaleque, and Md Imran Hasan; "Low loss double cladding nested hollow core antiresonant fiber", OSA Continuum 3(9), 2512-2524, 2020 (Optical Society of America, OSA), 2020
- 19. Md Tarek Rahman, and Abdul Khaleque; "Ultra-short polarization splitter based on a plasmonic dual-core photonic crystal fiber with an ultra-broad bandwidth", Applied Opt. 58, 9426-9433 (2019) (Optical Society of America, OSA), 2019
- 20. Alok Kumar Paul, Ajay Krishno Sarkar, Abu Bakar Siddiqur Rahman, and Abdul Khaleque; "Twin core photonic crystal fiber plasmonic refractive index sensor", IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(14), Page(s): 5761 - 5769 , 2018. (IEEE), 2018
- 21. Abdul Khaleque, and Liming Liu; "Effects of adding metals to MoS2 in a ytterbium doped Q-switched fiber laser", Optics & Laser Technology, 100, Page 97-102, 2018. (Elsevier), 2018
- 22. Abdul Khaleque, Evgeny G Mironov, Jonas H Osório, Ziyuan Li, Cristiano MB Cordeiro, Liming Liu, Marcos AR Franco, Jong-Leng Liow, and Haroldo T Hattori; "Integration of bow-tie plasmonic nano-antennas on tapered fibers", Optics Express, 25(8), 8986-8996, 2017. (Optical Society of America, OSA), 2017
- 23. M. Morshed, A. Khaleque, and H. T. Hattori; "Multi-layered bowtie nano-antennas", Journal of Applied Physics, 121(13), 133106, (2017). (AIP-American Institute of Physics), 2017
- 24. Abdul Khaleque, and Haroldo T. Hattori; "Plasmonic electro-absorption modulator and polarization selector", Journal of Modern Optics, 64(12), 1164-1174, 2017. (Taylor & Francis), 2017
- 25. Abdul Khaleque, and Haroldo T. Hattori; "Absorption enhancement in graphene photonic crystal structures", Applied Optics, Vol. 55, Number 11, Page 2936-2942, 2016. (Optical Society of America, OSA), 2016
- 26. Abdul Khaleque, and Haroldo T. Hattori; "Tunable Composite Graphene-silica Pseudonoise Gratings", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 28, Number 6, Page 677-680, 2016. (IEEE), 2016
- 27. Haroldo T. Hattori, Abdul Khaleque, Liming Liu, and Michael R. Greck; "Ytterbium-doped Q-switched fiber laser based upon manganese dioxide (MnO2) saturable absorber", Applied Optics, Vol. 55, Number 32, Page 9226-9231, 2016. (Optical Society of America, OSA), 2016
- 28. Haroldo T. Hattori, and Abdul Khaleque; "Finite-difference time-domain methods to analyze ytterbium-doped Q-switched fiber lasers", Applied Optics, Vol. 55, Number 7, Page 1649-1657, 2016. (Optical Society of America, OSA), 2016
- 29. Abdul Khaleque, E. G. Mironov, L. Liu, and Haroldo T. Hattori; "Thick multilayered (silica/gold) dipole nano-antenna", Applied Optics, Vol. 54, Number 34, Page 10063-10067, 2015. (Optical Society of America, OSA), 2015
- 30. Abdul Khaleque, and Haroldo T. Hattori; "Ultra-broadband and compact polarization splitter based on gold filled dual-core photonic crystal fiber", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 118, Number 14, Page 143101, 2015. (AIP-American Institute of Physics), 2015
- 31. Abdul Khaleque, and Haroldo T. Hattori; "Polarizer based upon a plasmonic resonant thin layer on a squeezed photonic crystal fiber", Applied Optics, Vol. 54, Number 9, Page 2543-2549, 2015. (Optical Society of America, OSA), 2015
- 32. Abdul Khaleque, E. G. Mironov, and Haroldo T. Hattori; "Analysis of the properties of a dual-core plasmonic photonic crystal fiber polarization splitter", Applied Physics B, Vol. 121, Number 4, Page 523-532, 2015. (Springer), 2015
- 33. E. Mironov, Abdul Khaleque, Liming Liu, I. Maksymov, and H. Hattori; "Enhancing Weak Optical Signals by Using a Plasmonic Yagi-Uda Nano-antenna Array", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26(22), pp. 2236-2239, 2014. (IEEE), 2014
- 34. Liming Liu, Haroldo T. Hattori, Evgeny G. Mironov, and Abdul Khaleque; "Composite chromium and graphene oxide as saturable absorber in ytterbium-doped Q-switched fiber lasers", Applied optics 53, 1173-1180, 2014. (Optical Society of America, OSA), 2014
- 35. Abdul Khaleque, and Ziyuan Li; "Tailoring the properties of photonic nanojets by changing the material and geometry of the concentrator", Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters 48, 7-13, 2014. (EMW Publishing), 2014
- 36. Abdul Khaleque, Ziyuan Li, and Haroldo T. Hattori; "Controlling electric field enhancement factor of photonic nanojets by using magneto-optical effect", Journal of Modern Optics, 60(21), pp-1921-1925, 2014. (Taylor & Francis), 2013
- 37. S. M. A. Razzak, Y. Namihira, M. A. Hussain, and Abdul Khaleque; "Designing birefringence of index-guiding non-hexagonal photonic crystal fibers", Journal of Optics, 40(2), 56, 2011. (Springer), 2011