
Dr. Abdul Khaleque

ডঃ আব্দুল খালেক


  •   Director of Research and Extension

                                                     Teaching Courses:

    Postgraduate (PG)
    Undergraduate (UG)
  • EEE 6621 (Numerical Methods & Fabrication Techniques in Photonics)
  • EEE 6107:  Advanced Solar Cells: Technologies & Applications
  • EEE 6613 (Plasmonics and Optical Devices
  • EEE 6624: Metasurfaces: Theory and Applications
  • EEE 6507 (Advanced Optical Fibers)
  • EEE 6623 (Biophotonics)
  • EEE 1203 (Electronics I)
  • EEE 3107 (Electromagnetic Fields & Waves)
  • EEE 4263 (Optoelectronics)
  • EEE 4285 (Optical Fiber Communication)

Field of Research
  •  Plasmonic / Perovskite Solar Cells
  •  Metamaterial Absorbers for Solar Cell Application
  •  Optical Modulators
  •  Nanophotonics
  •  Optical Fiber Devices
  •  Nano-antennas & Integrated Optics
  •  Fiber Laser (Q-switching)
ORCiD Google Scholar Publons (Web of Science) Scopus ID ResearchGate
  •  First Joined: 23rd Jun, 2008
  •      Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering



Book / Book Chapter
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
SL Authors Title Publisher Details Publication Year Type
1 Rosni Sayed, Abdul Khaleque, Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Md Anowar Kabir, Rifat Ahmmed Aoni Dual step-index ring core antiresonant fiber for broadband transmission of numerous OAM modes with high purity and quality Optical Material Express, 15(3), 379-394, 2025, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA) 2025 Journal
2 Ruhana Nishad, Lutfun Nahar Asha, Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, A. B. M. Arafat Hossain, and Abdul Khaleque Multi-layered cladding based ultra-low loss, single mode antiresonant hollow core fibers Optical Material Express, 14(1), 178-193, 2024, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA) 2024 Journal
3 A B M Arafat Hossain, Abdul Khaleque Multi-functional and actively tunable terahertz metamaterial absorber based on graphene and vanadium dioxide composite structure Optics Continuum, 3(6), 921-934, 2024, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA) 2024 Journal
4 Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Abdul Khaleque, Md Tarek Rahman Single layer dual hollow core antiresonant fiber based polarization beam splitters Optics Communications, 130735, 2024, (Elsevier) 2024 Journal
5 A B M Arafat Hossain, Abdul Khaleque, and M. Hasibul Galib Eco-friendly MASnI3/CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3 based perovskite solar cell with interfacing layers for enhancing efficiency Solar Energy, Volume 278 , August 2024, 112763 (Elsevier) 2024 Journal
6 Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha and Abdul Khaleque, Hollow Core Antiresonant Fiber Based Polarizer and Refractive Index Sensor IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 42(2), 907-913, 2024, IEEE 2024 Journal
7 Md. Hasanur Rahman, Abdul Khaleque, Md. Sarwar Hosen, Kumary Shaha, Md Mizan, and Md. Tarek Rahman Dual-Function Plasmonic Device on Photonic Crystal Fiber for Near to Mid-infrared Regions Optical Material Express, 13(9), 2526-2540, 2023, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA) 2023 Journal
8 Md Mizan, Abdul Khaleque, Md. Sarwar Hosen, Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Md. Hasanur Rahman, and A B M Arafat Hossain Compact and tunable broadband polarization splitter based on nematic liquid crystal infiltrated dual-core photonic crystal fiber Optics Continuum, 2(2), 506-519, 2023, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA) 2023 Journal
9 A B M Arafat Hossain, Abdul Khaleque, Md. Sarwar Hosen, N. M. Shahriar, and Md Mizan Triple broadband polarization-insensitive tunable terahertz metamaterial absorber on a hybrid graphene-gold pattern Optics Continuum, 2(6), 1287-1300, 2023, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA) 2023 Journal
10 Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Abdul Khaleque, Md Tarek Rahman, and Md. Sarwar Hosen Broadband and Short-length Polarization Splitter on Dual Hollow-core Antiresonant Fiber IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 34(5), 259-262, 2022 (IEEE) 2022 Journal
11 M. S. Hosen, Abdul Khaleque, Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Lutfun Nahar Asa, Azra Sadia Sultana, R. Nishad, and Md. Tarek Rahman Highly birefringent polarization maintaining low-loss single-mode hollow-core antiresonant fiber Optics Continuum, 1(10), 2167-2184, 2022, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA) 2022 Journal
12 Azra Sadia Sultana, Abdul Khaleque, Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Mafin Muntasir Rahman, Md Sarwar Hosen Nodeless antiresonant hollow core fiber for low loss flatband THz guidance Optics Continuum, 1(8), 1652-1667, 2022, Optica Publishing Group, Optical Society of America (OSA) 2022 Journal
13 Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, and Abdul Khaleque Low-loss single-mode modified conjoined tube hollow-core fiber Applied Optics 60(21), pp. 6243-6250, 2021(Optical Society of America ,OSA) 2021 Journal
14 Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Abdul Khaleque, and Md Sarwar Hosen Wideband Low Loss Hollow Core Fiber with Nested Hybrid Cladding Elements IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39(20), 6585-6591, 2021 (IEEE) 2021 Journal
15 Fazley Rabbi, Md Tarek Rahman, Abdul Khaleque, and Md Mobassar Rahman Theoretical analysis of Sagnac Interferometer based highly sensitive temperature sensor on photonic crystal fiber Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 31 (2021): 100396. (Elsevier) 2021 Journal
16 Md. Mobassar Rahman, Abdul Khaleque, Md. Tarek Rahman, and Fazley Rabbi Gold-coated photonic crystal fiber based polarization filter for dual communication windows Optics Communications, 461, 125293, 2020 (Elsevier) 2020 Journal
17 Anika Rahman, Abdul Khaleque, Md. Yeakub Ali, and Md. Tarek Rahman THz spectroscopic sensing of liquid chemicals using a photonic crystal fiber OSA Continuum 3(11), 2982-2996, 2020 (Optical Society of America, OSA) 2020 Journal
18 Kumary Sumi Rani Shaha, Abdul Khaleque, and Md Imran Hasan Low loss double cladding nested hollow core antiresonant fiber OSA Continuum 3(9), 2512-2524, 2020 (Optical Society of America, OSA) 2020 Journal
19 Md Tarek Rahman, and Abdul Khaleque Ultra-short polarization splitter based on a plasmonic dual-core photonic crystal fiber with an ultra-broad bandwidth Applied Opt. 58, 9426-9433 (2019) (Optical Society of America, OSA) 2019 Journal
20 Alok Kumar Paul, Ajay Krishno Sarkar, Abu Bakar Siddiqur Rahman, and Abdul Khaleque Twin core photonic crystal fiber plasmonic refractive index sensor IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(14), Page(s): 5761 - 5769 , 2018. (IEEE) 2018 Journal
21 Abdul Khaleque, and Liming Liu Effects of adding metals to MoS2 in a ytterbium doped Q-switched fiber laser Optics & Laser Technology, 100, Page 97-102, 2018. (Elsevier) 2018 Journal
22 Abdul Khaleque, Evgeny G Mironov, Jonas H Osório, Ziyuan Li, Cristiano MB Cordeiro, Liming Liu, Marcos AR Franco, Jong-Leng Liow, and Haroldo T Hattori Integration of bow-tie plasmonic nano-antennas on tapered fibers Optics Express, 25(8), 8986-8996, 2017. (Optical Society of America, OSA) 2017 Journal
23 M. Morshed, A. Khaleque, and H. T. Hattori Multi-layered bowtie nano-antennas Journal of Applied Physics, 121(13), 133106, (2017). (AIP-American Institute of Physics) 2017 Journal
24 Abdul Khaleque, and Haroldo T. Hattori Plasmonic electro-absorption modulator and polarization selector Journal of Modern Optics, 64(12), 1164-1174, 2017. (Taylor & Francis) 2017 Journal
25 Abdul Khaleque, and Haroldo T. Hattori Absorption enhancement in graphene photonic crystal structures Applied Optics, Vol. 55, Number 11, Page 2936-2942, 2016. (Optical Society of America, OSA) 2016 Journal
26 Abdul Khaleque, and Haroldo T. Hattori Tunable Composite Graphene-silica Pseudonoise Gratings IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 28, Number 6, Page 677-680, 2016. (IEEE) 2016 Journal
27 Haroldo T. Hattori, Abdul Khaleque, Liming Liu, and Michael R. Greck Ytterbium-doped Q-switched fiber laser based upon manganese dioxide (MnO2) saturable absorber Applied Optics, Vol. 55, Number 32, Page 9226-9231, 2016. (Optical Society of America, OSA) 2016 Journal
28 Haroldo T. Hattori, and Abdul Khaleque Finite-difference time-domain methods to analyze ytterbium-doped Q-switched fiber lasers Applied Optics, Vol. 55, Number 7, Page 1649-1657, 2016. (Optical Society of America, OSA) 2016 Journal
29 Abdul Khaleque, E. G. Mironov, L. Liu, and Haroldo T. Hattori Thick multilayered (silica/gold) dipole nano-antenna Applied Optics, Vol. 54, Number 34, Page 10063-10067, 2015. (Optical Society of America, OSA) 2015 Journal
30 Abdul Khaleque, and Haroldo T. Hattori Ultra-broadband and compact polarization splitter based on gold filled dual-core photonic crystal fiber Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 118, Number 14, Page 143101, 2015. (AIP-American Institute of Physics) 2015 Journal
31 Abdul Khaleque, and Haroldo T. Hattori Polarizer based upon a plasmonic resonant thin layer on a squeezed photonic crystal fiber Applied Optics, Vol. 54, Number 9, Page 2543-2549, 2015. (Optical Society of America, OSA) 2015 Journal
32 Abdul Khaleque, E. G. Mironov, and Haroldo T. Hattori Analysis of the properties of a dual-core plasmonic photonic crystal fiber polarization splitter Applied Physics B, Vol. 121, Number 4, Page 523-532, 2015. (Springer) 2015 Journal
33 E. Mironov, Abdul Khaleque, Liming Liu, I. Maksymov, and H. Hattori Enhancing Weak Optical Signals by Using a Plasmonic Yagi-Uda Nano-antenna Array IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26(22), pp. 2236-2239, 2014. (IEEE) 2014 Journal
34 Liming Liu, Haroldo T. Hattori, Evgeny G. Mironov, and Abdul Khaleque Composite chromium and graphene oxide as saturable absorber in ytterbium-doped Q-switched fiber lasers Applied optics 53, 1173-1180, 2014. (Optical Society of America, OSA) 2014 Journal
35 Abdul Khaleque, and Ziyuan Li Tailoring the properties of photonic nanojets by changing the material and geometry of the concentrator Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters 48, 7-13, 2014. (EMW Publishing) 2014 Journal
36 Abdul Khaleque, Ziyuan Li, and Haroldo T. Hattori Controlling electric field enhancement factor of photonic nanojets by using magneto-optical effect Journal of Modern Optics, 60(21), pp-1921-1925, 2014. (Taylor & Francis) 2013 Journal
37 S. M. A. Razzak, Y. Namihira, M. A. Hussain, and Abdul Khaleque Designing birefringence of index-guiding non-hexagonal photonic crystal fibers Journal of Optics, 40(2), 56, 2011. (Springer) 2011 Journal
  •  Best Paper Award (1st position), 2025 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), CUET, Bangladesh (2025).
  •  Best Paper Award, The 4th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Photonics (ICTP), BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2021)
  •  Best Paper Award, The 3rd International Conference on Electrical & Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), RUET, Bangladesh (2021).
  •  Best Paper Award (4th), The 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer & Telecommunication Engineering (ICECTE), RUET, Bangladesh. (2019, December).
  •  Awarded for NAATI accreditation (Australia) as a Professional Translator (English into Bangla), AUSTRALIA.
  •  University College Postgraduate Research Scholarship (UCPRS), Australia, March 2013-February 2016.
  •  Tuition Fee Scholarship (TFS) by UNSW Australia, (2013-2016).
  •  Completion scholarship from UNSW Australia, March 2016-Septemebr 2016.
  •  University Postgraduate Scholarship for MSc program, RUET, 2009-2011.
  •  University Merit Scholarship for undergraduate program, RUET, Bangladesh, 2003-2008.
  •  Session Chair, 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2023
  •  Session Chair & Co-Chair, 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE-2023), CUET, Bangladesh.
  •  Session Chair, 4th International Conference of Electrical, Computer & Telecommunication Engineering (ICECTE-2022) , RUET, Bangladesh
  •  Session Chair, 3rd International Conference of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (ICEEE-2021) , RUET, Bangladesh
  •  Organizing Joint Secretary, 3rd International Conference on Electrical & Electronic Engineering, ICEEE 2021, RUET, Bangladesh
  •  Technical program Committee Member of ICREST-2019.
  •  Program Committee (PC) Member of ICAICT-2020
  •  Organizing member of the Program Committee, ICECTE-2012).
  •  PhD mentoring: Mentored two PhD students in SEIT, UNSW Canberra.
  •  Reviewer (Journals): Optics Express (OSA), Optical Material Express (OSA), Reports on Progress in Physics, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, IEEE Photonic Journal, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Optics Communication, Applied Optics (OSA), Journal of Optical Society of America B (JOSA B), Optics Continuum, Optical Fiber Technology, Nanomaterials—Open Access Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Journal, Nanotechnology, Sensing and Bio-sensing Research, Journal of Physics-Photonics, Journal of Nano-photonics, Journal of Physics D Applied Physics, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Optical Materials, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Diamond and Related Materials, Journal of Optics, Results in Physics, Photonics and NanoStructure Fundamentals and Applications, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Optical and Quantum Electronics (Springer), Physics Letters A, Modern Physics Letters B, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Optical Engineering, PIER Journal, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Journal of modern optics, and Optik– International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Photonic sensor, Materials Science & Engineering B, Mod. Phys. Lett. B (MPLB), Physica Scripta, Results in Optics, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Measurement.
  •  Reviewer (Conferences): International Conference on Electrical, Computer, and Telecommunication Engineering (ICECTE), International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), and ICREST-2019, ICTP-2019, ICSCT 2021, ICTP-2021, ICECIT 2021, ICEEICT 2021, ICREST 2021, ICEEE 2021, ICAEEE 2022, ICECE 2022, ICECTE 2022, ECCE 2023, EICT 2023, ICTP 2023, ICEEEICT 2024, ICAEEE 2024.
  •  MIEEE (Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
  •  MAOS (Student Member, Australian Optical Society)
  •  Member of Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF ACT node, Australia)
  •  MIEB (Member, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh)
Phd Students
IdNameThesis workCurrent Position
2204201001Rosni SayedPhotonics and PlasmonicsFaculty of Pabna University of Science and Technology (PUST)
2304201002Md. Kamal HossainAdvanced Solar CellsFaculty of PTEC
Masters Students
IdNameThesis workCurrent Position
2004101025Kumary Sumi Rani ShahaMODELING AND ANALYSIS OF ANTIRESONANT HOLLOW CORE FIBER BASED OPTICAL DEVICES (Degree Awarded on Sep. 2023)Faculty of Pabna University of Science and Technology (PUST)
1904101008Md. Hasanur RahmanDESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBER BASED POLARIZATION FILTERS (Degree Awarded on 18 November, 2023)Ex. Faculty of Bangladesh Army International University of Science and Technology (BAIUST)
1804101019Md. Saroar HosenDesign and Analysis of Single Mode, Low Loss Hollow Core Anti-resonant Fiber for Communication Application (Degree Awarded on 2022)Faculty of EEE, RUET
1804101005Azra Sadia SultanaModeling and Numerical Analysis of Node Free Hollow core Antiresonant Fibers in THz Regime (Degree Awarded on 2022)Faculty of Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur
1604101005Ruhana NishadNUMERICAL STUDY OF MULTILAYER CLADDING BASED HOLLOW CORE ANTIRESONANT FIBERS (Degree Awarded on Sep. 2023)Searching for Faculty Position
2204101002Md. Omar FarukMetamaterial AbsorbersFaculty of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology
2204101007Md. Mehdi HasanPlasmonics / Perovskite Solar CellsFaculty of Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology(BAUST)
2304101037Tanmoy PandeyMetasurfaceFaculty of Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology(BAUST)
2304101009Sharaf TasnimAdvanced Solar CellsFaculty of ETE, RUET
Undergraduate Students
IdNameThesis workCurrent Position
Activity Description

      · Higher Research Grant (DRE/8/RUET/700(66)/PRO/2024-25/25),     Research & Extension, RUET, 2024-2025 (Amount: 8,00,000 BDT).

· Higher Research Grant (DRE/7/RUET/640(53)/PRO/2023-24/14), Research & Extension, RUET, 2023-2024 (Amount: 10,00,000 BDT).

· Higher Research Grant (DRE/7/RUET/574(58)/PRO/2022-23/18), Research & Extension, RUET, 2022-2023 (Amount: 10,00,000 BDT).

· Higher Research Grant (DRE/7/RUET/528(39)/PRO/2021-22/17), Research & Extension, RUET, 2021-2022 (Amount: 8,00,000 BDT).

· Higher Research Grant (DRE/7/RUET/489(31)/PRO/2020-21/09), Research & Extension, RUET, 2020-2021 (Amount: 8,30,000 BDT).

· Postgraduate Research Student Support (PRSS) Travel Grant from the SEIT, UNSW, Australia to attend in the CLEO: Science and Innovations, OSA, 2016 (USA).

· Funding and facilities from Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF ACT node, Australia) to attend in the International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN), Australia 2016.

· Funding and facilities from ANFF ACT node, Australia and UNSW Australia to attend Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology and Nonlinear Photonics OSA, September, 2016.

· Research Grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC) and The Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD US Air Force) to support experiment at Australian National University through ANFF.

· Research Grants from UNSW, Australia to attend in the Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics (ANZCOP), Australia, 2013.


1. Project Title:  High Performance Compact Electro-Absorption Plasmonic Modulators

Project Reference Number: (DRE/8/RUET/700(66)/PRO/2024-25/25)

Year: 2024-2025

2. Project Title: Graphene based Broadband and Tunable Terahertz Metamaterial Absorbers          

      Project Reference Number:  (DRE/7/RUET/640(53)/PRO/2023-24/14)            

      Year:  2023-2024

3.    Project Title: Novel Optical Devices based on Antiresonant Hollow Core Fiber

Project Reference Number: DRE/7/RUET/574(58)/PRO/2022-23/18

Year: 2022-2023

4.  Project Title: Novel Design of Hollow Core Fibers for Terahertz Application

Project Number: DRE/7/RUET/528(39)/PRO/2021-22/17.

Year: 2021-2022

5.  Project Title: Design and Analysis of Novel Hollow Core Antiresonant Fibers for Communication Application

Project Reference Number: DRE/7/RUET/489(31)/PRO/2020-21/09.

Year: 2020-2021


· Software: COMSOL Multiphysics, RSoft FullWave, CST Microwave Studio.

· Experimental Equipment: SEM, FIB, EBE, Raman system, Telecommunications Instructional Modelling System (TIMS) and related electrical and optical equipment.

· Handling optical fiber:  Splicing, cleaving of optical fiber and making fiber connectors.

· Chemical handling: Handling HF (25%) inside a Fume hood for remove fiber cladding, handling toxic material (MoS2, MnO2, WS2, etc.).

· Computing Skills: Microsoft office, Google SketchUp, origin, Latex etc.

· Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) trainings such as Level 2 Laser safety.

· Operating Systems: Windows.

· Programming Languages: C/C++, MATLAB, dSPACE, ALTIUM, and PSPICE.

  • Industry consultation: Testing and analysing the results of industrial electrical and electronic equipment in the Dept. of EEE, RUET, Bangladesh.

· Graduate Teaching Training program (GTTP): Successfully completed with merit organized by UNSW Canberra at 2014 (March-June).

· Level 2 Laser Safety Course: Successfully completed Level 2 laser safety course organized by UNSW Canberra at 20 May 2013.

· Research Preparation Course: Successfully completed mandatory Postgraduate Research Preparation Course (ZINT9001) organized by UNSW Canberra to lead in high quality research.

· Safety training for laboratory: Successfully completed mandatory safety training (2015/2016), organized by UNSW Canberra.

· Chemical Safety Training: Received sufficient training from UNSW, Canberra and ANFF, ACT node staff on chemical safety for toxic chemical handling.

· ANFF Induction: Successfully completed safety training from ANFF, ACT, node staff to handle EBE, FIB and few related equipment.

  1. Md. Tarek Rahman, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA
  2. Dr. Md. Imran Hasan, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
  3. Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF ACT node, Australia)
  4. Optics and Laser Laboratory, UNSW Canberra, Australia.
  5. Dr. Haroldo Takashi Hattori, UNSW, Australia.
  6. Dr. Ziyuan Li, Australian National University (ANU)
  7. Dr. Cristiano M. B. Cordeiro and Dr. Marcos A. R. Franco, Brazil.

· Conducting PG courses:  EEE 6107:  Advanced Solar Cells: Technologies & Applications,   EEE 6621 (Numerical Methods & Fabrication Techniques in Photonics),  EEE 6624: Metasurfaces: Theory and Applications,  EEE 6613 (Plasmonics and Optical Devices), EEE 6507 (Advanced Optical Fibers), EEE 6623 (Biophotonics)

· Conducting UG theoretical and practical courses, in EEE of RUET, on Optoelectronics, Electromagnetic Fields & Waves, Electrical and Electronic circuit, Fundamentals of Computer Programming, Electrical Machines, Electronic Circuit, Power Transmission & Distribution, Power Station, Power system protection and switchgear, Measurement & Instrumentation, and Microwave Circuits/devices.

· Conducting undergraduate courses, in SEIT of UNSW Australia, on ZEIT3220-Engineering Electromagnetics, ZEIT4224-Electrical Power, Machines and Power Electronics, ZEIT3218-Communications Techniques, ZEIT3216-Design of Electronics Circuit 3, ZEIT4006-Structural Integrity Assessment (Holography, Speckle & Radiography)

· Examination and Assignment for courses ZEIT 4224, ZEIT 3220, and ZEIT3218 in SEIT, UNSW, Canberra.

· Trained and supervised more than 50 students (B.Sc. in EEE) to develop various electrical and electronic projects and theses.

· Served as course advisors for many UG students in EEE, RUET